Connecticut Family Law Firm
Divorce is common but that doesn't mean yours is. Divorce is a family law issue that can turn a competent adult into a conflicted and confused individual. When children are involved, the turmoil can have long-lasting effects. Well-meaning friends and relatives may offer advice based on their experience or their beliefs, but they are not you.
"During a divorce, the only person who is truly looking out for your best interest is your attorney. For a period of time, the most important person in your life is your lawyer." Attorney Giustino Capodilupo
Giustino Capodilupo is a Ridgefield family law attorney focused on high net worth divorce and other family law matters including litigation and criminal defense. Clients of our law firm appreciate our kindness and respect our strength. Any individual who mistakes our kindness for weakness, however, does so at their own peril.
Ridgefield Family Law Attorney
When searching for a lawyer, some search for a shark or courtroom tiger. Others search for someone who will hold their hand and work in a collaborative manner. Perhaps the best option is an attorney who can be either aggressive or kind and reasonable, as the situation warrants.
Quiet Strength and Superior Service
Strength can be demonstrated through an aggressive attack or a creative defense. For the best of both worlds, contact our law office for an initial consultation.
As a small office, we are able to manage our case load so that each client receives the individual attention that they desire. We represent a wide range of individuals from corporate executives and small business owners to stay-at-home spouses, retirees or their grandchildren.
If you are the type of person who likes a high degree of involvement, we will keep you informed every step of the way. If you are a person who prefers to delegate, we will handle everything for you. In either case, the decisions are always yours to make. We will make sure that you are given all of the likely outcomes, information and advice you need to make the decision that is right for you.
Strong Advocacy for Your Legal Needs
If you have a family law need, please call our law office at 866-644-3769 or 203-493-0503 or send us an e-mail. Connecticut divorce lawyer Giustino Capodilupo will work diligently to solve all of your legal issues.
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Attorney Jennifer L. Cava-Foreman specializes in Personal Injury Law, Medical Malpractice Law and Criminal Law. Attorney Cava-Foreman is licensed in both Massachusetts and Connecticut.