Who We Are
NLR Group offers marketing strategy development in CT for healthcare businesses. We believe that a healthcare business’s strategy must have a long-term direction with enough flexibility that it responds to short-term market changes and demands. To be able to do this, an organization requires various reviews and changes from how they do their business.
What We Do
NLR Group provides market analyses for healthcare businesses taking into account the demographics, the competition, the economics, and regulations along with other variants. We make projections how this will transform in the future by analyzing the current trends and shifts in the market and your market readiness to adapt to those shifts. With this, we create a blueprint of opportunities that can drive your organization’s investment decisions.
Our Services
Our marketing strategy development services include:
• Annual internal and external assessments
• Competitive analyses
• Analysis of medical staff surplus and deficit
• Nursing recruitment strategies
• Changes in physician behavior with select data sharing