Forest & Field is the Premier Connecticut Firearms and Sporting goods Retailer
Today, as in the past, Forest and Field comprises nearly twelve thousand square feet in Norwalk, Connecticut and caters to the sport shooting, hunting and tactical shooting enthusiast, novice and seasoned alike. Offering a broad range of unique and superior quality products. The facility also houses the North East Training Center, which offers a state of the art shooting range, and private lounge for members. We furthermore offer pistol permit, advanced pistol classes, tactical shooting classes as well as law enforcement and custom shooting programs.
Our retail store offers a large variety of fine firearms and accessories as well as specialized and fine hunting clothing.
We also are pleased to now offer a fine selection of antique firearms, Japanese swords and armor as well as individually customized, decorated and fitted firearms to our more discriminating and demanding customers and collectors.
Now more than ever, Forest and Field is a shooters paradise.
New Rifles and Pistols Now In Stock - Inventory ExpansionMauser, Dakota, Sauer, Blaser, Caesar Guerini and other fine firearms now in stock. We furthermore have an expanded range of fine optics. Our range of fine handguns continues to grow.
In our effort to improve our cusotmer focus and variety of products Forest and Field is increasing the product range it has on offer, come in for some exiting new products and lines - including Mauser, Sauer, Guerini, Uselton and much much more.
Next Pistol Class is Oct. 23rdOur next Connecticut Pistol Certification Class - required to obtain a Connecticut Pistol Permit is scheduled for Oct. 23rd
Expert pool table services including repairs, assembly and pool table movers. We serve Northern Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Call for a free quote today.