Beneath the Smoke and Mirrors
In 1985, my mission was to develop a straightforward portfolio management service. I wanted to offer my clients objective advice. I also wanted them to maintain full ownership and control over their investments. I was way ahead of my time!
In 1985, I had to go to each investment company and get a special authorization every time I opened a new account! It was a long process. Today, adding an advisor to an account is a standard line on the application. The consumer simply began to recognize the value behind this service and the investment industry responded. Charles Schwab, T.D. Ameritrade, Fidelity, and a number of other firms are now providing the highest level of service to independent advisors. This allows the investor to tap into the resources of the largest institutions and still benefit from the experience and abilities of an independent advisor.
As a fee-only advisor, I am hired and paid only by the client. I am not compensated by the companies used or recommended. The investments are purchased and held in the client's name through a discount broker. Mainstream indexes and managed funds are used to build many levels of diversification.
Although my clients tend to be investment savvy, they do not have the time to peer through the smoke and mirrors to figure out what is real and what is not. They prefer to hire someone to filter out the hype. They are also comfortable working with someone that is not emotionally involved in the decision-making process.
The investment strategy that we work with is by no means a get-rich-quick scheme with mystical gurus that predict the future. It is a personal service using the largest and best firms to generate solid results. It is the investment model of the future. I am happy to say, the future is here!
About this web page
This web page is designed to be used as a resource for clients and interested parties. There are a variety of topics and within each topic, a number of links to outside sources. Keep in mind that, although we try to maintain a high degree of precision, the accuracy of the information provided is not guaranteed. Also none of the information or opinions offered on this site should be construed as a recommendation or a solicitation to buy or sell any product or service. When moving to a new web page beyond this one, be advised that it does not matter who wrote the information or who owns the web site, the information may contain errors or it may be dated. For these reasons, do not make any investment decisions based solely on the information contained herein or on any other website. Consult with your own advisors or contact us.
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