If you have been searching for compassionate, personalized dental care we welcome you to our practice and this, our virtual office.
We invite you to view the various pages found here and to learn more about our practice philosophy, our care team, equipment, and protocols.
We offer family-centered care, for patients of all ages. You will find that we are an intimate office, where patients, their treatment plans and unique needs are well known, understood and supported.
If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment please feel free to contact us. We are accepting new patients and look forward to seeing you soon.
Dr. Baratz has added custom dental tattoos to his list of services!
The tattooth process:
• Select an artwork design of your choice
• Choose a tooth for tattoo placement
Reasons for getting a tattooth:
• The ultimate fashion accessory
• Support your favorite team
• An artistic impression of personal interest
R. E. Baratz, DDS Dentist
121 Lafayette Street | Norwich, CT 06360
T: 860.887.5347 or 860.886.2969 | E: info@drbaratz.com