Dr. Lessack's individualized permanent weight loss programs are unique, because he has developed ways to find and correct the individual's specific problems that directly contribute to their overweight state in the first place, and provides a fast, healthy his/her way to lose weight quickly. He has successfully helped children, adults, and senior citizens who are 8 to 280 pounds overweight. (Also he works with the overweight who may have medical problems such as food allergies, diabetes, heart disease, hypoglycemia or midlife hormonal changes which contribute to slow weight loss.)
Dr. Lessack, who has 25 years of solid experience, is committed in providing the finest care available in the individualized treatment of the overweight either on-line through internet delivery or one-on-one at his office. These programs are for individuals 8 or 180 lbs. overweight who want to achieve permanent weight loss.
Some programs in:
Canadian, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Jewish (Kosher), Russian, Spanish
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