Shoreline Sanitation was established in 1978 shortly after its founder Gary Yuknat graduated from a small college in Connecticut. The "one man outfit" quickly grew into what it is today: a major full service sanitation business serving twenty towns throughout the Connecticut Shoreline area. Our operations include residential and commercial septic tank cleaning and repairs. Shoreline Sanitation employs twelve full time technicians and four professional office staffers to efficiently service our customers' needs.
We've tried to make our website as helpful as possible. But if you still have any questions or comments, please call us at 860.434.0052 or email us. Thanks.
We can handle the routine tank cleanings as well as the not so routine. We can locate your tank with the latest electronic equipment and inspect it with the state of the art pipe inspection cameras.
When trouble does happen, we are here to help. We can take on tasks that range from the simplest of repairs such as a septic tank riser or baffle, to the most complex systems in some of the most environmentally sensitive areas in the state.
This is a job that not many would want to do, but we are pleased to offer this service to our customers. Please give us a call. We will provide you with a quote on any pump station cleaning or overhaul. We guarantee our work will be done in full compliance with OSHA regulations to keep our people safe , as well as the community and YOU, the host employer. All types of septic systems present unique problems, but Shoreline Sanitation has the solutions.
In addition to our septic system installation and repair services, we also offer septic system inspections. We've been the leader in the shoreline area using technological advances to provide more accurate diagnosis and to lessen the damage to your yard.
For stubborn situations, we offer tools and solutions such as high pressure jetting and high speed root cutters, putting you "back in business' with the least disruptions possible.
This is where our web guy put all the stuff that he had left over and didn't know how to use it..
No, it's really a section of news about towns in shoreline area, some links to sites we think you might find helpful and FAQs we get all the time at Shoreline Sanitation.