Enrolling Grades Pre-K-12
Member of Association of Christian Schools International
"Educating For Eternity"
The North Stonington Christian Academy (NSCA) is a Christian Day School for children ages 3 years through high school, offering quality education in a distinctly Christian atmosphere. The school is an extension of the home and church and provides:
*A positive, safe and caring environment on a large country campus
* Daily Bible times, weekly Chapel, and missions opportunities
* Music, art, physical education, library,technology classes, drama, home economics, and individual musical instruction in piano and voice
* Traditional Christian values and character building using ABeka Curriculum supplemented with other Christian materials
* Sports programs for girls and boysincluding interscholastic competition in Basketball for students in grades 4-12
* Participation in history and science fairs, art, speech and math competitions, Student Government events, field trips, and many special events for the entire family
* Full day kindergarten and three and four year old pre-school program
North Stonington Christian Academy is an independent Christian Academy operated as a ministry of the Second Baptist Church of North Stonington.
The Academy operates in accordance with the Policies and Statement of Faith of the church. A six member Board of Education elected by the church oversees the operation of the Academy.
North Stonington Christian Academy is a non-profit religious and educational institution, and thereby authorized to accept gifts for endowments or such other school purposes designated by the donor.
Although Second Baptist Church sponsors North Stonington Christian Academy, the church does not require attendance of students and their families. The students and families at NSCAcome from numerouschurches throughout the community. The Academy does encourage regular church attendance at a Bible preaching church. If your family does not have a regular church or are looking for a church family, Second Baptist welcomes you to come and worship with us.
Please contact Mrs. Wilkinson or call the church office at (860) 599-2077 if you would like more information on finding a church home or would like to know more about Second Baptist Church.