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Noank Baptist Church
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I am happy and privileged to be a part of the group, writes one of the OSCA (Our Shoreline Community Association) members to OSCA coordinator,
Address18 Cathedral Hts Groton, CT 06340-5706
Phone(860) 536-7129
Want to learn more about upcoming events? Click The Anchor: Our Newsletter link on the left to read in-depth articles.
High Seas Expedition a Big Hit!
We had smooth sailing during our VBS voyage during which we discovered the mighty love of God and had a lot of fun in the process! Forty children participated in our program this year and everything went off without a hitch. For more pictures & article, read page 4 in The Anchor.
Looking for a Great Nursery School for Your Child?
The photo below is the NBC Nursery Day School 2010 spring graduating class visiting Carson's for ice cream! NBC Day Nursery School has openings for preschool age children (must be 3 by Dec. 31st). Our program runs Mon. Wed. & Fri. 9:00am to 12:00pm. If you would like to learn more information, go to the "Christian Education" page of this website, and/or call the church office to request to speak with either Vera or Tina.

Come to be filled by the choral and chamber concert of the Christmas Portion of George Frederic Handels magnificent choral work, The Messiah. Held Sun Nov 28th at 7:30 pm Noank Baptist Church Along with the talented singers, a chamber orchestra of area instrumentalists will accompany the oratorio. Four outstanding soloists will be featured.
December in a Glance

Family Potluck & Movie Night
Sun. Dec 5 at 4:00 p.m., families are invited to a time of fun and fellowship as we eat an early supper and then watch a family movie together, complete with popcorn and bean bag chairs. We ask each family to bring a main dish, salad or dessert to share with 10 others. Invite friends and neighbors!
Noank/Mystic Community Band Christmas Concert
Enjoy our local band on Sun. 2pm Dec. 5 at St. Patricks Church of Mystic.
Health Care Reform Informational Session
Co-Sponsored by St. Marks Episcopal Church and the Mystic Area Ecumenical Council. Are you confused by the sound bites and campaign commercials? Tired of misinformation? Concerned about high costs and continuing access? A panel of knowledgeable experts will summarize the key provisions of the federal health reform bill at St. Marks Episcopal Church, 15 Pearl Street, Mystic on Wed., Dec 8, 7-9pm. RSVP or for info, call 860-882-3849.
US Coast Guard Chamber Players

Evening Circle to Hear the Mayols
Tues, Dec 14 will be held in the NBC vestry. We will begin at 6pm with a potluck supper and then enjoy a presentation from the Mayols.
Christmas Craft Night Wed., Dec. 15 6:30-8:00pm
We invite all children, families, neighbors, & friends to attend our Annual Christmas Craft Workshop! This is a great chance to allow your children to get all messy making cool Christmas stuff. Dont miss it! Crafters, contact Lisa K via church office.
Noank Community Caroling
Join in on Sun. Dec. 18 from 3-5pm. The singing will begin in the Noank Park.
Mystic Seaport Carol Sing

December 24 Christmas Eve in Noank
6pm Christmas Eve service will have a Nativity and is a special time for Family Worship.
10pm Candlelight Service of Lessons & Carols (photo below) is a traditional time for all.
A special Christmas offering will be received during both services for the Fellowship Fund, which is used by the Deacons to assist those with emergency needs: food, clothing, shelter, medical, heating fuel, & similar needs.
ABCCONN Mission Trip to Haiti 2011
Where: Deux Croix, Haiti. When: Feb. 19-26, 2011.
For more Information, click the link and go to page 12 in The Anchor.
Bible Study @ MRHC
The Bible Study group led by Mary Brodhead is held each Wednesday in the Richards Room at the Mystic River Homes Congregate.
Restore - Habitat for Humanity

Camp Wightman Wish List
A list of items that need replacing includeRead the list on page 12 of The Anchor.
If you love books and enjoy organizational projects, we could use your help! Our church library needs TLC and sorting. If you would like to spend some time with friends tidying up the library, please let Cynthia or Marge know.
F.A.M.I.L.Y. Kitchen is Up and Running!
This recently opened soup kitchen serves the Greater Groton Area. The FAMILY (Forget About Me, I Love You) soup kitchen will be serving FREE wholesome, healthy meals each Monday night at: Faith Lutheran Church 625 Poquonnock Road, Groton.
Additional services will include blood pressure checks, budgeting advice, meal planning tips and reading room for children. Please call 860-460-3405 for specific information, including serving times. Donations and volunteers are welcome! Visit the FAMILY Kitchen website at
Mexican Mission Slideshow
Click this link to see a slideshow of the mission group's experiences from Noank Baptist (Chris, Wendy, Beth, Paul, & Steve) who traveled to Chiapas, Mexico to learn of the work of the indigenous Mayan churches.
Corner Closet Winter Hours
Corner Closet on the corner of Pearl and Main Streets in Noank. We receive donations for sale in the thrift shop. Our store is a mission of Noank Baptist. The money that is raised is used to help those in need throughout our community. Our store is open Wednesday and Saturday from 10-12 and Friday from 1-4 pm. Donations maybe left when the store is open or call the church and we will arrange a pick up. Thank you for your support.
PFLAG Potluck Suppers
PFLAG meets on the second Monday of the month at Noank Baptist Church. Join us for a potluck supper at 6:00pm. The meeting at 7:00pm. All are welcome.
I Am Happy and Privileged...
I am happy and privileged to be a part of the group, writes one of the OSCA (Our Shoreline Community Association) members to OSCA coordinator, Stephanie Panagos. Thanks for your ongoing care and support during the past year of OSCA. There are many things I was able to do and enjoy because of this organization. One member even called to give me support prior to my knee surgery and another member loaned equipment to me...To read further, click The Anchor and turn to page 13. For additional information, please visit or email us at
Who Are We?


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